Update on the Porter Ranch Gas Leak

2017-06-16T19:50:49-05:00June 16th, 2017|

[vimeo id="149211503" width="auto" height="auto" autoplay="no" api_params="&title=0&portrait=0&byline=0" class=""] The national law firm of Baron & Budd is investigating potential lawsuits against Southern California Gas Co. (SoCal Gas) and its parent company, Sempra Energy, regarding a major [...]

Porter Ranch Leak Capped, Scope of Damage Unknown

2017-06-16T19:50:41-05:00June 16th, 2017|

The good news is the Porter Ranch gas leak has finally been capped – at least temporarily. The bad news is the extent of the damage, especially to property values in the area, is far [...]

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