It’s back to school time in Malibu, California and the supermodel Cindy Crawford just pulled her two children out of high school because of the school building’s elevated levels of the toxic chemicals shorthanded as PCBs.
Celebrities… Just Like Us?
So far as caring for our children the answer is a resounding YES!
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), PCBs have been shown to be carcinogenic — aka, PCBs can cause cancer. In addition, the EPA warns that PCBs may cause harm to the nervous system, the immune system, the reproductive system and the endocrine system. In fact, some Malibu teachers have voiced their concern that their thyroid cancer may be due to the school’s elevated PCB levels.
Here are two things we’d like you to know today.
- “Elevated PCB levels” is a funny phrase to use (— and one that you’ll be hearing in the news a lot in the coming days). The truth is, no matter what level the EPA deems as safe… PCBs are not safe or natural substances. PCBs are man-made substances, made by Monsanto. Monsanto used to be a chemical company; they made Agent Orange as well as PCBs, a very toxic chemical that was in the news for years thanks to its cancer-causing traits before it was finally banned by the EPA in 1979. Today, Monsanto is messing with our food (GMOs), while the damage they caused with PCBs has yet to be cleaned up in schools.
- This is not a Malibu issue, not a California issue, not a celebrity issue. Instead, PCBs were a hit in the baby boom generation because they were promoted for their use in the building materials of schools (something that the baby boom generation required a lot of). No school after 1980 has been constructed with PCB-containing materials, but any school built prior to 1980 is likely to contain PCBs.
Because of the nature of PCBs in schools, this issue is not one that afflicts any one district. Instead, any older school may contain PCBs… it’s just, not any old school has the likes of Cindy Crawford to help push for testing.
That’s why we’d like to announce to every school in the USA today: WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR TESTING.
No child should be exposed to a serious carcinogen like PCBs while at school. That’s not the America we pay our taxes for and not the America we want to raise our kids in.
Each school in this country built between 1950 and 1980 deserves to know whether or not they have elevated levels of PCB. That’s a fact and it’s one we will stand by 100 percent.
[pullquote]Please have your school contact us at or [contactlink text=”email us here”] as soon as you can. Let’s get every older school in America tested now, before one more child or one more teacher gets exposed to these dangerous and life-threatening chemicals.[/pullquote]Please share this information with every parent and school administrator you know!
And, please know, should your child’s school learn that they have dangerous, elevated levels of PCBs, the fault is not with the schools and we will not ever, ever punish the schools. The fault is with Monsanto, 100 percent. Should your child’s school need to rid their school of PCBs, we will work with your school, in confidentially if needed, to have Monsanto pay for the cleanup to keep your children safe.